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PostWysłany: Czw 0:26, 13 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Hi, I am a newbie to this community and I am John from US by the way and
looking forward to meeting everyone!
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PostWysłany: Nie 1:36, 16 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Hi Friends,
i am new here and i am from Canada. i love cricket and i am a big fan. Nice
to meet you all guys and hoping to learn more from this forum.
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PostWysłany: Wto 7:30, 18 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Âńĺě őîđîřĺăî äí˙.

Ďîňđĺáîâŕëŕńü ěĺäčöčíńęŕ˙ ńďđŕâęŕ íŕ đŕáîňó, ęňî-ňî ěîćĺň ďîäńęŕçŕňü ăäĺ ďđčîáđĺńňč? Ăîđîä Ěîńęâŕ.
Ĺńëč çäĺńü íĺëüç˙ ďčńŕňü, ňî â ËŃ!
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PostWysłany: Sob 5:24, 22 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Hi I thought I would started giving my introduction to the members. I am
banker by professional and most of the time I play online casino sites.
Gambling is my passion and hobby. I enjoy joining forums, which interest me,
and looking forward to meeting new members here.
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PostWysłany: Sob 22:38, 22 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Hello everybody, my name is Damion, and I'm glad to join your conmunity,
and wish to assit as far as possible.
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PostWysłany: Wto 15:47, 25 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Hello everybody, my name is Daniel, and I'm glad to join your conmunity,
Wish to assist as far as possible.
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PostWysłany: Czw 12:31, 27 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

NKU Directory has for all time tried to live one step ahead of the changes in the web searches
and search engines algorithm, never promise anything we can not supply to our customers and always trying to find the best solutions to a very tricky online searches.
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PostWysłany: Pią 5:54, 28 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

It's test.
I could't post a message...
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PostWysłany: Pią 7:34, 28 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Ďđčâĺňńňâóţ âńĺő!
Ó ěĺí˙ ňŕęîé âîďđîń,ęňî ÷ňî číňĺđĺńíîĺ ďîäńęŕćĺň áóäó ďđčçíŕňĺëĺí.
Ěű ń äđóçü˙ěč ńîáčđŕĺěń˙ ďîĺőŕňü â ęđóčç ďî ďđîńňîđŕě Đîńńčč č áëčćíĺăî çŕđóáĺćü˙ ěĺń˙öŕ íŕ äâŕ íŕ ńâîčő ěŕřčíŕő,íî íĺ ęŕę íĺ ěîćĺě ńîăëŕńîâŕňü ěŕđřđóň,ĺńëč ó ęîăî óćĺ áűë îďűň ňŕęîăî ďóňĺřĺńňâč˙,ěîćĺň,÷ňî ďîńîâĺňóĺňĺ.Äĺâ÷îíîę ń ńîáîé íĺ áĺđĺě,äóěŕĺě,÷ňî âî âńĺ ăîđîäŕő Đîńńčč ń ýňčě íĺ áóäĺň ďđîáëĺě,ĺńëč ó ęîăî áóäóň đĺęîěĺíäŕöčč č â âîďđîńĺ îňäűőŕ ń äĺâóřęŕěč ňîćĺ áóäó ďđčçíŕňĺëĺí.

Ń óâŕćĺíčĺě Ńĺíü÷čę
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PostWysłany: Pon 22:02, 31 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

E-gold is gradually leaving, who'll substitute it?
It’s was a time when I was using e-gold everywhere but after all that problems and account freezing I’ve no trust to e-gold. Now I’m vacillating between pecunix and Perfect Money… But after Pecunix had been ddosed for a whole month I’ve got a wish to work only with Perfect Money.
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PostWysłany: Wto 17:29, 01 Kwi 2008    Temat postu:

I'm Paul from Canada, a retired Author. I've only been at this about 4
months now, and I've hit the ground running. I'm only really getting around
to visiting all the forums now. I still have a lot to learn but I'm getting

All the best,

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